
I said, "Yes!" to the dress

My moms came down on Friday to go dress shopping with me. I had previously put four dresses on hold at a local dress shop here in Charleston, and since she is paying for a lot of wedding stuff, I obviously wanted her with me for the big purchase. 

In my mind, I'd narrowed my choices down to two, and then eventually one. When we got there, I was ready to buy, but my mom convinced me to try on several styles I hadn't paid any attention to . . . In fact, there were a couple of dresses I would've never chosen for myself. I played along and tried them on and completely fell in love with one dress. Of course, I can't say much about it since Bradford occasionally peruses my blog. I don't want to give away too many details, but it's pretty different than what I'd envisioned I would wear on the Big Day. 

I'm excited that the decision has been made, and it's one more thing I can knock off my To-Do List! Oh! I've got a big DIY project ahead of me. Here's a hint: flower belt. Anyone want to help?

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1 comment:

Emily Claire said...

Congratulations on finding your dress! Along with the rings, that is one of the most important purchases for a wedding. You should check out Etsy for flower belt inspiration. Here's one: http://ny-image3.etsy.com/il_fullxfull.145798011.jpg

Good luck with your wedding planning! :)