
Things I Gotta' Do in 2010

Since my stress level is nearly at a 10, I've been trying to think of ways to bring it on down to, say, a 2? (You can read below about why I'm so stressed, unless of course, it'll make you stressed.) I keep thinking about how nice it would be to get a proper spa facial. I've never had one before (I know, I think I'm the only person on Earth.) I've had a massage, pedicure and manicure, but never a facial. So it's going on my Things I Gotta' Do in 2010 list. Now. What kind should I get? I've been reading about super wacky ones. Don't really think I could commit to getting a facial whose moniker is "bird poop." Too weird. And what about my sensitive skin? Should I do the microdermabrasion?

Why I'm stressed: I'm moving my bedroom furniture and clothes over to my mom's house tomorrow morning. Right after, I'm moving everything else to Charleston. I'm going to live my mom for all of December and half of January (that's the plan, anyway) to save money. I haven't been able to save
ANY since Bradford moved out. So I'm hoping to pay off my credit card and put some money back into savings before I move. Moving is stressful, period. Moving to two different places at the same time? Beyond stressful.

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