Since my stress level is nearly at a 10, I've been trying to think of ways to bring it on down to, say, a 2? (You can read below about why I'm so stressed, unless of course, it'll make you stressed.) I keep thinking about how nice it would be to get a proper spa facial. I've never had one before (I know, I think I'm the only person on Earth.) I've had a massage, pedicure and manicure, but never a facial. So it's going on my Things I Gotta' Do in 2010 list. Now. What kind should I get? I've been reading about super wacky ones. Don't really think I could commit to getting a facial whose moniker is "bird poop." Too weird. And what about my sensitive skin? Should I do the microdermabrasion?
Why I'm stressed: I'm moving my bedroom furniture and clothes over to my mom's house tomorrow morning. Right after, I'm moving everything else to Charleston. I'm going to live my mom for all of December and half of January (that's the plan, anyway) to save money. I haven't been able to save ANY since Bradford moved out. So I'm hoping to pay off my credit card and put some money back into savings before I move. Moving is stressful, period. Moving to two different places at the same time? Beyond stressful.
Things I Gotta' Do in 2010
Things I Gotta' Do in 2010
Birthday surprises and dark chocolate brownies
Last night, some of my family and friends surprised me with a birthday day dinner (thank you for organizing it, SIL!) It was so sweet and unexpected! I love surprises, so it was awesome. I got lots of sweet gifts and a cake that had a chocolate and vanilla checkered pattern on the inside. Neat!
Today, my former boss made dark chocolate brownies (um, holy yum. If you haven't gotten in on that action, go bake some pronto.) Boo, my other co-worker, Jennifer, and Toni got me a paisley purple-y scarf and a $25 iTunes card. Thas' what I'm talkin' about!
My love's coming into town tomorrow night, and I think we're going to hit Stillwater downtown. There isn't much else going on (there's a metal show at Sky City, which I absolutely have no desire to attend, and there's something called Pop Life at Soul Bar??? I have no idea what that means so I might have to check it out just out of curiosity alone.) I'm hoping GSS can come together again and rattle the town just a little (I'm 30 now, so I can't shake things up too much like I used to.)
Sure wish my cold would go on ahead and kick the bucket. Ugh, it's draggin' me down!
Today, my former boss made dark chocolate brownies (um, holy yum. If you haven't gotten in on that action, go bake some pronto.) Boo, my other co-worker, Jennifer, and Toni got me a paisley purple-y scarf and a $25 iTunes card. Thas' what I'm talkin' about!
My love's coming into town tomorrow night, and I think we're going to hit Stillwater downtown. There isn't much else going on (there's a metal show at Sky City, which I absolutely have no desire to attend, and there's something called Pop Life at Soul Bar??? I have no idea what that means so I might have to check it out just out of curiosity alone.) I'm hoping GSS can come together again and rattle the town just a little (I'm 30 now, so I can't shake things up too much like I used to.)
Sure wish my cold would go on ahead and kick the bucket. Ugh, it's draggin' me down!
Travel sickness and an approaching birthday.
I took Friday off from work to fly out to New Hampshire for B's grandfather's funeral, and wow, I'm exhausted. It was nice seeing everyone, particularly Chris, Tish and the girls, but it was too short of a visit. On top of that, I've been fighting a cold (or some kinda' funk), but it has won fair and square. I haven't been resting or taking care of myself at all, so serves me right. Vivian is showing the house tomorrow at 9:30 a.m., so now I'm under a lot of pressure to get everything cleaned before then. Looks like another late night staying up. I can handle it . . . I just don't know if this funk will let me do what I need to do.
On a completely different note . . . I'm turning 30 in THREE DAYS! AHH!
Check out these celebs who are 30 too. Let's hear it for 1979! Holla'! (Must admit, though, I thought half of them were in their early 20s.)
Image via here
Alison Lohman (Sept. 18, 1979)
I remember her best from White Oleander.
Image via here
Matisyahu (June 30, 1979)
Best known for his awesome music!
Image via here
Amanda Moore (Sept. 10, 1979)
She popped back into the modeling spotlight after she rocked a faux-hawk mullet on the March 2006 cover of Vogue Italia. I've always thought she was so pretty!

On a completely different note . . . I'm turning 30 in THREE DAYS! AHH!
Check out these celebs who are 30 too. Let's hear it for 1979! Holla'! (Must admit, though, I thought half of them were in their early 20s.)
Alison Lohman (Sept. 18, 1979)
I remember her best from White Oleander.
Matisyahu (June 30, 1979)
Best known for his awesome music!
Amanda Moore (Sept. 10, 1979)
She popped back into the modeling spotlight after she rocked a faux-hawk mullet on the March 2006 cover of Vogue Italia. I've always thought she was so pretty!
Band Beat
Band Beat
That's the Spirit!
Quite frankly, November gets the shaft. It's no secret with holiday decorations already on display around town and all. And since UO's holiday spirit has been flooding my email like crazy, I thought I'd flood my blog with all their Christmas cuteness (sorry November. You will always be my favorite month!)
Just look at these beauts!!! I love decorating for Christmas, but I've never had much of a collection . . . just an artificial, $17 tree I scored at Wal-Mart my first (or second) year of college and gifts from peeps and fam over the years. This year, Christmas decorating will be tricky. I'll be living with my moms to save money before I move, and she'll deck her whole house out (like, no joke, we're talking Christmas villages, random lights strewn about and Christmas plates, glasses and napkins galore) herself, so I won't have to stress about that. But I want Thomas and Bradford to have a little Christmas decor in our apartment, even though I won't be living there (yet), and even though my little Christmas collection will be wrapped up for the move. A Charlie Brown Christmas Tree it is then!
Just look at these beauts!!! I love decorating for Christmas, but I've never had much of a collection . . . just an artificial, $17 tree I scored at Wal-Mart my first (or second) year of college and gifts from peeps and fam over the years. This year, Christmas decorating will be tricky. I'll be living with my moms to save money before I move, and she'll deck her whole house out (like, no joke, we're talking Christmas villages, random lights strewn about and Christmas plates, glasses and napkins galore) herself, so I won't have to stress about that. But I want Thomas and Bradford to have a little Christmas decor in our apartment, even though I won't be living there (yet), and even though my little Christmas collection will be wrapped up for the move. A Charlie Brown Christmas Tree it is then!
Oh, November . . . why?!
It's barely November, and already, the month is filled to the brim with stuff to do! I really, really, REALLY wanted to go to 80s Night this weekend with Fefa as part of my 30th (yes, I admitted it) birthday celebration, but Bradford's grandfather died, and well, his funeral takes precedence over celebrating. Besides, my birthday is really the week after, so it's all good.
So, I'm flying to New Hampshire on Friday and will be back Sunday night. (Side Note: My boss had the nerve to give me a hard time about taking Friday off. W. T. H?!?!?! *sigh*)
Next weekend, Birthday Time! Don't really know what I'm doing yet. B mentioned going to this restaurant called Crum's. Haven't been, but heard it was yums (sorry, I had to do it. I stole this witty line from Boo.)
The weekend after is Thanksgiving, and B's dad and stepmom are coming for the weekend. I've never spent Thanksgiving away from home, and I'm a little sad about it. I know this is what happens . . . but I'm going to miss being with my people.
And the weekend after that . . . wa-BAM! December. My head is spinning . . .
So, I'm flying to New Hampshire on Friday and will be back Sunday night. (Side Note: My boss had the nerve to give me a hard time about taking Friday off. W. T. H?!?!?! *sigh*)
Next weekend, Birthday Time! Don't really know what I'm doing yet. B mentioned going to this restaurant called Crum's. Haven't been, but heard it was yums (sorry, I had to do it. I stole this witty line from Boo.)
The weekend after is Thanksgiving, and B's dad and stepmom are coming for the weekend. I've never spent Thanksgiving away from home, and I'm a little sad about it. I know this is what happens . . . but I'm going to miss being with my people.
And the weekend after that . . . wa-BAM! December. My head is spinning . . .
Things I Gotta' Do in 2010
I've been thinking a lot about 2010. I know, I know, we're still in 2009, so why am I jumping the gun? Well, I don't know if you've noticed, but '09 came, lots of great stuff and lots of bad stuff happened and now it's peacin' the hell out in just a minute. It has flown by and isn't lookin' back. Plus, I'll be living in a new city (a super cool one) in a new apartment (not so cool going from a three-bedroom house to a small, two-bedroom apartment, but hey) in a new job (surely to make me happier than my current one) in January (hopefully.) This whole change is screaming, IT'S TIME FOR OPPORTUNITIES at me, and I sincerely hope to make the best of it.
All these thoughts got me thinking about all the things I haven't been able to do in the last decade since I started living on my own, whether it was because I was too busy with work and dance or just too damn lazy to get off my hiney. Therefore, I'm making a Things I Gotta' Do in 2010 list, and I'll be posting items throughout the remainder of '09, in no particular order.
The first? Carve a pumpkin for next fall. I've never done this before, people. Now I have decorated my front porch with a pumpkin, but never a carved one. I've been seeing photos of friends on FB who had carving parties, and it looked so fun! So there's the first item on my list.
All these thoughts got me thinking about all the things I haven't been able to do in the last decade since I started living on my own, whether it was because I was too busy with work and dance or just too damn lazy to get off my hiney. Therefore, I'm making a Things I Gotta' Do in 2010 list, and I'll be posting items throughout the remainder of '09, in no particular order.
The first? Carve a pumpkin for next fall. I've never done this before, people. Now I have decorated my front porch with a pumpkin, but never a carved one. I've been seeing photos of friends on FB who had carving parties, and it looked so fun! So there's the first item on my list.
1. Carve a pumpkin
Things I Gotta' Do in 2010
Band Beat
I found May Ling through another band of another band of another band . . . you get the picture. The Portland, Oregon, duo consists of Alberta Poon and Dan Grazzini and have apparently been tearing up dance parties since early this year. I totally dig Alberta's sweet voice, don't you? I found few vids of their live shows. Here's one of Melamine.
May Ling Playing "Melamine" Live at Trash Mt. from May Ling on Vimeo.
Band Beat
Current Celebrity Infatuation
Guys, you just don't even know. I have been lusting after James Franco like no other (not even Alexander Skarsgaard . . . I know. Crazy.) I've never really appreciated his beauty until I saw him in Milk (p.s., if you haven't seen this, you need to asap.) I didn't think much of him in Spider Man, and he didn't really do it for me in Pineapple Express. But Milk? Wowza'! And there's nothing like a hot actor who can actually . . . act. There are plenty of supa' fine celebrities in Hollywood, but only a a few are talented. He is def one of them. He's my CCI for a reason . . . therefore, I had to post more photos of his hotness. And below is the Milk trailer. Enjoy!
Current Celebrity Infatuation
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