
Band Beat

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Here's another group I was introduced to a few years ago, albeit indirectly, via my Nashville buddy. Grizzly Bear's first album, Yellow House, kept me calm many a IAS* outburst. Thank you for that, GB. This Brooklyn-based quartet released their newest one, Veckatimest, at the beginning of last summer, and my fave is Cheerleader. I'm telling you . . . it's mellow (and I mean mellow) and I like it a bunch (and I mean a bunch.) OK, I'm losing it.

Here's a sweet-tastic Veckatimest review from Spin. Read it. And give my fave tune a listen . . . and kindly excuse my craziness today. Thank you.

*IAS stands for Instant Anger Syndrome. Oh yes, I occasionally have it. And so do you, admit it.

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