1. You feel bloated and really, really wish you would've chosen a different pair of pants to wear to work. You've had muffin top all day.
2. You didn't wash your hair this morning because quite frankly, you didn't want to, and now (3:49 p.m.) it's so greasy you could fry a pork chop. Gross. Everyone in your department is probably disgusted.
3. Your nose has been clogged up and bloody all day. Getting sick again? Sure as hell hope not.
4. You (yet again) didn't listen to your favorite weatherman, Sam Champion, and wore a sweater, scarf and heavy jacket to work. Sure, the scarf and jacket are removable. But your boss probably wouldn't appreciate you taking off your sweater.
5. Your cell phone has been on the fritz all day, so you haven't received the precious text messages your boyfriend keeps sending you. What is with you, Mint Chocolate?!
6. You've got the burps, and your co-worker doesn't appreciate it. It's one of her pet peeves, and you continue to let her down on a daily basis. Get your act together and stop burping so much . . . even if you can't help it.
7. You've dedicated some time today to looking at your favorite magazine photos of MKA because, well, you appreciate them (the photos, not the twins. You don't really know them).
MK in Elle (UK) September 2008
Ashley in Nylon August 2006
MKA in Got Milk? ad (my favorite)
MKA in Vanity Fair January 2002
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