Not gonna' lie. It felt really weird going through her dresser drawers, closet bins and pretty much any nook and cranny we could find. I was intrigued at the same time, though. I actually learned a couple of things about the woman I was never really close to, but spent a lot of time with. For instance, Grandma loved a scarf. Neeeever saw her wear one, but boy did she have drawers and drawers full of 'em. Presents she could never bring herself to re-gift? Yeah, I think so too. Grandma also loved silverware. Yes, silverware. I found boxes and boxes (and boxes) of silverware. I even found a random spoon or fork in a couple of dresser drawers. Maybe she believed in some weird superstition that if you put silverware in your sock drawer, you'll be protected from vampires? (Yes, I totally just made a reference to True Blood --- addicted to that show, by the way).
In all seriousness, although I felt weird, it made me see her in a different light. And I found myself having to fight back tears throughout the day. Sometimes, I'd look over at Dad . . . and I could see he was fighting 'em back too.
Here are a few things Pops gave me, plus lots of cool pictures, figurines and blankets.
How sweet is this Polaroid? It even had some film in it . . . ahhhhh.